Support TicketChristian McCarthy2023-09-12T15:25:06-06:00 Support Ticket We are here to help. Just reach out. Required fields are indicated. You will receive an email confirmation letting you know your request has been successfully received. You will receive a response within 24 hours, but hopefully sooner. Support ticket How can we help? General questionHelp with logging inFeature requestReport a bug Quick description * Full description of the issue or question Please provide as much detail as possible about your issue. The more information the better. What type of user are you? * Manager (Portal)Employee (App)All (Portal + App)Other How critical is this reported issue? LowMediumHighCritical On which device are you experiencing this issue? Desktop – WindowsDesktop – MacDesktop – OtherMobile – iOS / AppleMobile – AndroidMobile – Other Which Internet browser are you experiencing the issue? Google ChromeMicrosoft EdgeApple SafariMozilla FirefoxOperaMicrosoft Internet ExplorerOther First name * Last name Company name Email * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit